Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I become a member of the library?

Faculty members, staff, and students of the institute must complete the online membership form to enroll as library members.

2. How do I search books (in catalog/OPAC)?

  • Go to the library home page – There is a search box with the caption "Library Catalogue."
  • Enter Search Terms – Use keywords, title, author, or subject in the search bar.
  • Refine Your Search – Apply filters such as publication year, book format, or availability status.
  • View Book Details – Click on a title to check its location, call number, and availability.
  • Locate the Book – Note the call number and find the book in the respective section.

3. What is OPAC?

The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is a digital database that provides seamless access to the library's collection, including books, reference materials, e-books, theses, reports, patents, and standards. It enables users to efficiently search for specific titles, subjects, or authors, ensuring quick and accurate retrieval of resources.

4. How do I borrow books?

Visit the library and select the books you wish to borrow. Proceed to the circulation counter and present your ID card. The library staff will assist you with the issuance process.

5. Book Issue and Return Timings at the Central Library

  • Monday to Friday: 7.30 AM to 9.00 PM
  • Saturday: 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM

The library remains closed on Sundays and holidays.

6. How do I renew / reissue books I have already borrowed?

  • Online Renewal: Log in to the library portal and request a renewal before the due date.
  • Offline: Visit the Circulation Counter with the book and your ID card.

7. How many books can I borrow?

  • Deans, directors, and faculty members can borrow up to five books for a period of 20 days.
  • Postgraduate (PG) and Ph.D. students can borrow up to four books for a period of 10 days.
  • Undergraduate (UG) students can borrow up to three books for a period of 10 days.
  • Administrative and support staff are eligible to borrow three books for a period of 10 days.

8. How/where do I pay library dues?

Library dues, including late fees and the cost of lost books, can be paid online. Visit the library to check your overdue charges and make the payment using the provided QR code.

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